The Disney Channel
Disney Channel is an American Channel, which is marketed for children. In recent years the diversity of viewers has increased with an older audience. The Channels official website is:
Disney Channel’s website launched on June1, 2000. At first, there were two websites for Disney Channel. First one is and the second one is Disney decided not to use anthropomorphic characters, and anthropomorphic means not human: so they called these characters “Zoog”. After a while they combined two websites under In 2006 began to use its own video player, and in 2008 they started Disney XD, which is Xtreme Digital. This is a new service of that lets members communicate and interact with each other with chat rooms that are limited to selected phrases and the ability to create your own Disney XD page, which are called channels. Disney XD allows you to watch full-length episodes from Disney Channel and other videos; play online quizzes and games, stream Radio Disney on your computer, and preview new movies and music albums.
Disney Channel has promotions for General Mills cereals, Yoplait, McDonald's, Danimals, Subway, Honda, and Kellogg's. Though they are not regular commercials, they are tailored to Disney Channel audiences. Also Disney Channel's program breaks consist mostly of advertisements for the channel's programming. Other promotions for Disney-owned networks, music videos and public service announcements are also showed in the breaks.
Disney Channel doesn’t have any pricing for series and movies which are being watched on website. In addition to its priceless it can be watched in several languages as: French, Spanish, German, Mandarin and Hindi.
Sevtap DUMAN
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